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encyclopedia:technology:free_and_open_source_software [10/30/2024 20:08] terrassenprimatencyclopedia:technology:free_and_open_source_software [12/26/2024 10:14] (current) – [Web Browsing] terrassenprimat
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 ==== Web Browsing ==== ==== Web Browsing ====
-  * [[https://brave.com/|Brave]] is a web browser with many built-in features such as ad-block, enhanced privacy, device sync, and more. +  * [[https://brave.com/|Brave]]a web browser with many built-in features such as ad-block, enhanced privacy, device sync, and more. 
-  * [[https://freetubeapp.io/|FreeTube]] is a privacy-oriented YouTube browser that allows you to download audio and videos as well as keep locally-saved playlists and subscriptions without depending on YouTube's mercy for your account.+  * [[https://freetubeapp.io/|FreeTube]]a privacy-oriented YouTube browser that allows you to download audio and videos as well as keep locally-saved playlists and subscriptions without depending on YouTube's mercy for your account
 +  *  [[https://zen-browser.app/|Zen Browser]], a firefox-based browser with a focus on simple, secure, customizable experience.
 ==== Audio ==== ==== Audio ====
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   * [[https://handbrake.fr/|Handbrake]] is a transcoder for digital video files.   * [[https://handbrake.fr/|Handbrake]] is a transcoder for digital video files.
   * [[https://lbry.com/|LBRY]] is a video platform that uses [[wp>blockchain|blockchain technology]]. It is impossible for videos to be taken down, making this a proper alternative to YouTube censorship. The web [[wp>Front-end (computing)|front-end]] is [[https://odysee.com/|Odysee]].   * [[https://lbry.com/|LBRY]] is a video platform that uses [[wp>blockchain|blockchain technology]]. It is impossible for videos to be taken down, making this a proper alternative to YouTube censorship. The web [[wp>Front-end (computing)|front-end]] is [[https://odysee.com/|Odysee]].
 +==== Note-taking ====
 +  * [[https://logseq.com/|Logseq]], a markdown block-based note-taking app that encourages daily entries and linking between pages. Also has task management, PDF annotations, flashcards, and whiteboards.
 ==== Security ==== ==== Security ====
   * [[https://keepassxc.org/|KeePassXC]] is a password manager that saves your passwords on a local encrypted database. The benefit of this is that you can generate [[wp>brute-force attack|brute-force-attack-resistant]] passwords for each site without having to memorize it. So if one site gets [[wp>data breach|breached]], your password can't be [[wp>password cracking|cracked]] and used to login to all your other accounts on other websites.   * [[https://keepassxc.org/|KeePassXC]] is a password manager that saves your passwords on a local encrypted database. The benefit of this is that you can generate [[wp>brute-force attack|brute-force-attack-resistant]] passwords for each site without having to memorize it. So if one site gets [[wp>data breach|breached]], your password can't be [[wp>password cracking|cracked]] and used to login to all your other accounts on other websites.
-  * [[https://github.com/sandboxie-plus/Sandboxie#sandboxie-plus--classic|Sandboxie]] isolates programs so they don't access more parts of your system than they need to. This is good for limiting [[wp>attack surface|attack surfaces]] as well as [[wp>privacy-invasive software|privacy invasion]] of certain proprietary programs.+  * [[https://github.com/sandboxie-plus/Sandboxie#sandboxie-plus--classic|Sandboxie]] isolates programs so they don't access more parts of your system than they need to. This is good for limiting [[wp>attack surface|attack surfaces]] as well as the [[wp>privacy-invasive software|privacy invasion]] of certain proprietary programs.
 ==== Operating Systems ==== ==== Operating Systems ====
-  * [[https://linuxmint.com/|Linux Mint]] is a user-friendly linux distribution based on [[wp>Ubuntu]]. +  * [[https://linuxmint.com/|Linux Mint]]a user-friendly Linux distribution based on [[wp>Ubuntu]]. 
-  * [[https://grapheneos.org/|GrapheneOS]] is an android-based, privacy-hardened operating system for Pixel phones that is easy to install. +  * [[https://grapheneos.org/|GrapheneOS]]an android-based, privacy-hardened operating system for Pixel phones that is easy to install. 
-  * [[https://archlinux.org/|Arch Linux]] is linux distribution with a focus on simplicity for developers. This also makes it more simple for non-developer [[wp>power users]].+  * [[https://archlinux.org/|Arch Linux]]Linux distribution with a focus on simplicity for developers. This also makes it more simple for non-developer [[wp>power users]]
 +  * [[https://fedoraproject.org/|Fedora Linux]], a Linux distribution with a focus on out-of-the-box experience, security, and bleeding-edge updates.
 ==== Games ==== ==== Games ====
-  * [[https://cataclysmdda.org/|Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead]] is a survival horror [[wp>roguelike]]. +  * [[https://cataclysmdda.org/|Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead]]a survival horror [[wp>roguelike]]. 
-  * [[https://mindustrygame.github.io/|Mindustry]] is a [[wp>factorio]]-like [[wp>tower defense]] for desktop and mobile. +  * [[https://mindustrygame.github.io/|Mindustry]]a [[wp>factorio]]-like [[wp>tower defense]] for desktop and mobile. 
-  * [[https://www.openttd.org/|OpenTTD]] is a [[wp>transport tycoon]] recreation. +  * [[https://www.openttd.org/|OpenTTD]]a [[wp>transport tycoon]] recreation. 
-  * [[https://github.com/yairm210/Unciv#unciv---civ-v-remake-for-android--desktop|Unciv]] is a 2D recreation of [[wp>Civilization V]] for desktop and Android.+  * [[https://github.com/yairm210/Unciv#unciv---civ-v-remake-for-android--desktop|Unciv]]a 2D recreation of [[wp>Civilization V]] for desktop and Android
 +  * [[https://spacestation14.com/|Space Station 14]], a multiplayer role-playing disaster simulator with incredible depth in technical mechanics.